Vennersys and Optomany

We provide Vennersys clients with a reliable payment processing service, both onsite and online.

During this partnership, Optomany have provided Vennersys with a range of solutions. These include:

  • Optomany’s online gateway and checkout payment processing service allows Vennersys clients to offer ticketing, retail and catering items online, for advanced and convenient purchase.
  • Optomany’s S300 chip and pin terminals which are fully integrated with the VenposCloud EPOS software, enabling operators to process card payments onsite with the push of a button.
  • Optomany’s S900 chip and pin terminals which allow Vennersys clients to be more mobile with onsite payment processing, taking payment processing to customers.

Optomany provides Vennersys clients with excellent customer service directly and via Vennersys Support services which allows quick and efficient resolve of card payment problems as and when they arise.

As a result of Optomany working with all major merchant service and UK acquirer service providers, there is no restriction to Vennersys clients who can swap and change acquirer rates without it impacting on their payment processing.

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